Reservation and cancellation policy


General information

  • A minimum of 2 nights is required to make a reservation (3 nights during long weekends with legal holidays: St-Jean, Confederation, Labor Day and Thanksgiving). A maximum of 14 nights per reservation is allowed by the system. For longer stays, please make multiple reservations.
  • Reservations can only be made online by following the reservation tab. For group bookings or people who need assistance, we will return calls and emails within 24-48 hours.
  • Exception: we guarantee a tent campsite for all travelers arriving by bicycle and staying only one night. No reservation is therefore required.
  • When booking, you will receive all the information you need to be able to access your campsite or accommodation quickly and without waiting.

No need to go through the reception!            More time to fully enjoy your stay!


  • The payment of a deposit equivalent to the entire stay is required when booking a campsite.
  • The rate for a campsite is valid at no additional cost for 2 adults and children from the same family.

Cottage and ready-to-camp

  • The nightly rate for a cottage or ready to camp equipment is valid for a specific number of guests. Please ensure you don’t exceed the number of guests allowed in the accommodation you rent.
  • The payment of a deposit equivalent to 30% of the stay is required when booking a cabin or a ready-to-camp, when the reservation is made more than 31 days from the date of arrival.
  • The balance of the stay will be automatically withdrawn 30 days before arrival.
  • Payment of a deposit equivalent to the entire stay is required when the reservation is made within 30 days of the arrival date.
  • All cabins and ready-to-camp are non-smoking, and animals are prohibited.
  • Anyone who violates either of these two rules will be charged a $200 fee.


Cancellation period Campsites Ready-to-camp Cottages
8  months to 61 days before the arrival date * 20$ cancellation fee 30% cancellation fee of the stay 30% cancellation fee of the stay
60 days to 31 days before arrival date* 20$ cancellation fee 30% cancellation fee of the stay 30% cancellation fee of the stay
30 days to 6 days before arrival date* 20$ cancellation fee No refund, 100% of
the stay is charged
No refund, 100% of
the stay is charged
5 days to 24 hours* 50% of
the stay is charged
No refund, 100% of
the stay is charged
No refund, 100% of
the stay is charged
24 hours and less the arrival date* No refund, 100% of
the stay is charged
No refund, 100% of
the stay is charged
No refund, 100% of
the stay is charged

* No transfer requests will be allowed


General regulations

The customer agrees to comply with all regulations, without exception. The customer hereby declares to have read the regulations and must respect them faithfully.

8 km/h at all times and for any type of vehicle.

Any motorized or electrically powered vehicle must be used for necessary and non-recreational travel purposes: move equipment, displacement for job work, entering and leaving the campground, displacement to make a purchase or an outdoor activity. We strongly suggest our customers to make their displacement within the campground walking.

must be done on the streets. It is forbidden to “cut short” through neighboring sites.

it’s mandatory for dog owners to pick up and sanitarily dispose of their dog’s waste.

prohibited. Music should not be heard from neighbors. No radio or music before 8:00 a.m. or after the 11:00 p.m. curfew.

is set at 11 p.m. Silence is required after this time.

the barriers are accessible at all times using your access code (PIN). We ask you to respect the 11:00 p.m. curfew time, and not to drive your vehicle on the campground after this time.

activities are permitted until nightfall. Cyclists must respect the speed of 8 km/h.

The debarking and pruning of trees is strictly prohibited. Anyone who damages trees or shrubs is fined and will be expelled without refund.

must be deposited in the containers at the exit of the campground. It is forbidden to throw waste or recycling into the fire pits or to leave them on the site. A cleaning fee of $25 may be charged if applicable.

are not authorized in any case at the campground.

of motorhomes, trailers or automobiles is strictly prohibited. No waste of water will be tolerated.

large knifes, and FIREWORKS are prohibited.

are strictly prohibited; sale, consumption, possession will translate in immediate eviction.

prohibited in public places. Its consumption is allowed in your equipment as far it doesn’t incommode neighbors and children around you. Be respectful!

in any form is prohibited.

are no gathering places.

should be moderate and made only in the fireplace within your campsite. They must be extinguished with water before leaving for the night.

of a campsite are fixed for a group composed of 2 adults and their own children aged under 18 years old.

are allowed but have to pay their admission upon their arrival by presenting themselves at the campsite reception office.

and other employees have authority on the site, campers must follow their instructions.

we reserve the right to expel, without refund and notice, anyone who does not respect the regulations.

It is the responsibility of campers to have the necessary equipment to connect them tightly to the sewers. (Sealing collar available at reception)

We wish you a pleasant stay! To send us your comments: [email protected]


Arrival time: 2 p.m. Departure time: 1 p.m.


Under no circumstances can the campground be held liable for damage caused to the client or to his equipment. The customer will not be entitled to any compensation or reduction in price, nor to any claim against the campground for damages, costs, losses or disbursements suffered by the customer, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, more particularly for:

  1. Defect, reduction or interruption of electricity;
  2. Damage caused by water, rain, snow, ice, insects, rodents, birds, trees;
  3. Damage or trouble caused by the condition or arrangement of wires, electrical conduits or the like;
  4. Damage, trouble, injury, annoyance, inconvenience caused by the acts of other tenants or third parties;
  5. Necessity to interrupt any individual or collective services to customers in order to carry out repairs, alterations, improvements or otherwise.

The customer assumes full responsibility for any damage that may be caused to his camping unit and equipment and, therefore, releases the campsite from all liability.

The customer will be personally responsible for damage caused to the property of the campsite, by the acts that he, the members of the camping group or his guests could commit.

General regulations – Accommodation

Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. and check-out time is 11:00 a.m. The cost of an additional night may be charged if you leave after 11:00 a.m. without notifying the reception.

When you leave, you must bring the KEYS back to the reception or leave the in the accomodation. In case of non-return, a $20 fee will be charged to your credit card.

Animals are prohibited. Anyone who violates this rule will have to pay an amount of $200.

Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the units. Anyone who violates this rule will have to pay an amount of $200.

For accommodation with a kitchenette:
You must clean the kitchen and wash the dishes before you leave. If the dishes or cleaning of the kitchen is not done, an amount of $140 will be charged on the day of departure. Any lost or damaged object must be reported to reception during the stay or on the day of departure and it may be charged.

The debarking and pruning of trees is strictly prohibited. Anyone who damages trees or shrubs is fined and will be expelled without refund.

Maximum SPEED
8 km/h at all times and for any type of vehicle on site.

MUSIC and loud NOISE prohibited
Music and noises should not be heard from neighbours.

UNDESIRABLE BEHAVIOUR AND/OR NUISANCE                                                                                                                                                                          All tenants are required to comply with each of these regulations. The owner of the campsite or his representative reserves the right to evict any tenant or customer he deems, at his sole discretion, undesirable and this, without any compensation or refund.

The client must make good use of the rental accommodation,
The accommodation made available to our customers is verified, functional and in good condition. Our customers are invited to report any problem immediately to the reception.
In case of damage, the company reserves the right to charge the customer for the cost of repair or replacement. It is the same for any infringement found after the departure of the customer, the amount of compensation will be debited on the customer’s card.
The company may demand in case of voluntary or involuntary damage to equipment, objects, furniture belonging to the company the full reimbursement of damages or losses.
In case of non-compliance with the rules the customer will be asked to leave the accommodation without any refund. The company reserves the right to levy an amount for damage caused to the accommodation. This amount will be charged to the credit card provided at the time of booking.

Thank you for your collaboration