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Sentier boisé à découvrir au Domaine Annie-sur-mer


We look forward to welcoming you for the 2025 season

Boat rental and docks

Camping Union Lac-du-Cerf rents several boats. Our 16ft fishing boats are equipped with 9.9 horsepower or 20 horsepower engines. When renting a rowboat, petrol is included in the price.

For guests who are more focused on tranquility and fitness, we rent canoes, kayaks and paddle boards.

Whether your excursion is by rowing or motor, you will discover one of the most beautiful clear water lakes in Quebec. Petit and Grand Lac-du-Cerf are exceptional lakes for the quality and clarity of their water.

Many boaters come to practice scuba diving or snorkeling.

Rowboat rentals are available for a day or in blocks of 4 hours. As for canoes, kayaks and boards, you can rent in blocks of: 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours or 8 hours.

For guests who prefer to bring their own boat, please note that you have to pay for cleaning and lowering to the boat (motorboat). You then have the option of renting a dock or taking your boat out after each use.  All boats must be parked in the parking lot for this purpose and not at your campsite.

Our boats:
16 foot fishing boats with 9.9 horsepower or 20 horsepower motor
Double Kayaks
Single Kayaks
SUP Boards

For more details on pricing, see Pricing